Preparing for Re-Entry!


That's right, we're about to be done with quarantine! Neil has recovered from Covid-19 fully, with no remaining symptoms, fatigue, or breathing problems, and the kids and I are going crazy with Cabin Fever. We've been allowed to leave the house to go outside for exercise, and while I have taken the dogs on quite a few walks, it's not the same as being allowed to live a normal life, going to the grocery store, run down to a shop really quickly for something I'm missing, or even seeing people at work. I'm tired of being my kids' teacher too, I toyed with taking that up as a profession when I was in high school, but thankfully realized I might not have the patience for it before I dove head-first into university and studies. I'll be so glad when I can send the kids back to school, and have someone more qualified do the majority of their education. 

But honestly, the think I'm most looking forward to getting back to is my work. I have missed my patients at work, I miss the conversations I had with them, the reminders on a regular basis about the different ways people have lived, hearing stories about what they endured, survived, and came back from, as well as the painful reminders about how narrow-minded some people can be, and how to live amongst people with vastly different opinions than my own. I know a lot of people really hate having to rub up against people who see things differently, but I think it makes for good food for thought, and teaches you compassion and acceptance, as well as a health dose of how to hold boundaries. 

This week I'll be sanitizing all my prayer beads and beading supplies, as well as my shipping supplies so that they'll be safe to send back out to all of you, and I can't wait to see where my products will ship out to next. I'm so grateful to be here, doing what I do, and have the love and support of all of you, through the good times and the tough ones. So, let's a raise a glass, a cup of tea, or whatever beverage you prefer, and here's a toast to moving onwards, stronger for having endured what we did. 

Blessed be,

Jess 💓