Where are You, Spring?

 Around this time of year I start to become very impatient with the weather outside. I look for the crocuses and snowdrops to burst forth from the ground. I look for the temperatures to stay on the positive side of the mercury, and most of all, I start itching to get outside and hike again. I feel at my most powerful and divine when I'm in the forest, and I hate having to take breaks from being out in it. Now, most of you probably wonder why I don't just go for hikes in the winter, and the answer is this: first, I don't have the right equipment for that (yet) and second, with my work schedule I often don't get the time to do it. I'm hoping to rectify that first problem this year, but we'll see what the budget says. 

But on Family Day in BC, I woke up to a couple inches of snow on the ground and nothing stopping me from hitting the trail at a nearby waterfall. I put on my boots, warmest winter coat, grabbed my wraps and leashed up Noir and we hit the trails. 

She loved running around off-leash, and I loved how beautiful the winter hiking was. And of course, teh view at the top of the trail made my week. 

I mean come on, she's stunning, isn't she?! Made even the nasty fall I took right after snapping these photos onto the hard ice under my feet worth it. Slammed a reminder for me to get some ice grips for my boots before next winter right into the skin and muscle of my right hip hard enough for me to remember. 

So, this is how I'm trying to patiently bide my time until spring comes, by doing what I should be doing, and being mindful, in the moment, and appreciating the beauty of the season I'm still well and truly in. How are you waiting for spring?