Where I'll be featured, coming up!

 Well hello to my fellow humans, aliens, and in-betweens! I can't believe it's already the middle of May. 2021 has been a whirlwind already, and it's not even quite half over yet! It's been quite the crazy year, with all of my immediate family (excepting the kids of course) now either with their first Covid vaccine done, or will be done in the next 48 hours, and four birthdays done as well. My brother and myself will be the next ones to have backyard-style birthdays this year, each our second under Covid restrictions, so they'll be quieter than usual, but no less fun and enjoyable I'm sure. 

Later this month on the 30th of May I'll be participating in Tarothon 2021! This is my third year running in the annual event, and I'm looking forward to it! I've enjoyed the previous years so much, and I think this year is going to be no less amazing, especially with the line-up of channels that we've got! If you want more information on who's participating, I've got all the deets under the trailer video, here

Then, the weekend after Tarothon begins the first of two weekends in The Morrigan's Call Retreat, which this year is again all online due to the global pandemic. I'll be teaching a class on the 12th of June at 11:30am PST/2:30pm EST on Being in Service to the Land. The theme for this year's retreat is Service, and I can't wait to see the other's takes on this theme, and adding a bunch of new ideas to my repetoire of working with The Morrigan! You can register for the retreat here:


There is more info on the Facebook event page, including the line-up and schedule:


I'm going to be launching a bunch of new strands of Morrigan-themed prayer beads in time for the retreat, so if any of my current ones haven't struck your fancy, then get ready to be amazed by the selection! Want to know more details about the strands that will be available? Sign up for the newsletter, because I'll be teasing all the strands there before I launch them! Sign-up is on the sidebar of this blog, or you can sign up here: https://mailchi.mp/7a6727adac04/stellartarot 

And finally, get excited guys, because Warrior Queen; Answering The Call of The Morrigan drops NEXT MONTH! This is my second book with The Girl God publishing, and you can now pre-order the book HERE: http://thegirlgod.com/warrior_queen.php

Hope to see you at all the events, and I can't wait to hear what everyone thinks of Warrior Queen once it launches! Blessed May, fellow travellers!